Establishment of Technopark "Novosibirsk" The Administration of Novosibirsk region
together with a management of the Siberian branches of the Russian Academies of Sciences carried out a range of works on establishment in territory of region of Scientific and Technological Park (Technopark) “Novosibirsk”:
Historical information
- 1996 - The governmental regulation of the Russian Federation ¹290 of 16.03.96 is adopted. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation ¹ 3307-rp of 10.06.96 about creation of Scientific and Technological Park "Novosibirsk" is published. The group of heads of some small enterprises is organized: those, who want to participate in establishment of Technopark, who are interested in development of its infrastructure and who are ready to provide financing of the initial stage of works. The order of the State committee of the Russian Federation on management of the state property about establishment of Executive directorate of Technopark "Novosibirsk", which is registered 03.12.96 as the state scientific institute, is published. The purpose of activity of Executive directorate of Technopark is the establishment in Novosibirsk region of Scientific and Technological Park "Novosibirsk".
- 1997 - The State committee on management of the state property transfers in management of Executive directorate of Technopark a modern engineering-laboratory building by the area of 16000 m2. The preparatory work on expansion of scientific and technological structure of Technopark is conducted in the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science on the areas of Engineering and design institute "Monocrystals", State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector", Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences.
The primary purpose of Technopark "Novosibirsk" - selection of the most perspective small enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere having projects of a high degree of readiness, and the subsequent granting in rent on favourable terms the office and working areas with all communications, and also a complex of economic, accounting, legal and marketing services. The solution of this problem is broken into set of subproblems, among which: repair of premises, the maintenance of a building, the development of a necessary infrastructure, the organization of inter-regional and international cooperation.
As the example of successful restructuring of the state enterprise one of the important directions in activity of the central platform of Technopark "Novosibirsk" is interaction with the unitary enterprise "The Production Association "Sever" the areas of which are used for realization of projects of some firms. At the same time not used earlier facilities start to give output.
The activities of Technopark in the whole are specified by innovation priorities. Technopark "Novosibirsk" stakes on development in which the novosiberians are traditionally strong and which represent the most perspective scientific projects in the all-Russian scale and are demanded in the market of scientific and technical production:
- Telecommunication systems, information and computer technologies;
- Power supply, resource and energy saving;
- ? Biotechnologies on the basis of bioengineering (technologies of immuno-correction, manufacture of pharmaceuticals on the basis of local natural raw material of Novosibirsk region and Gornii Altai, use of biotechnological methods for production of biologically active substances, medical and preventive treatment and diagnostic drugs of new generation);
- New materials (ceramic materials and nanoceramics, the superhard materials, biocompatible materials);
- Laser technologies and instrument making;
- Medical and ecological instrument making.
Results of works
- Together with the Administration of Novosibirsk region the most perspective projects for their implementation within the frame of Technopark’s activities are selected.
- The scheme of selection and implementation of innovative projects is developed.
- 21 small enterprises are located in the repaired premises by the total area of 4500 m2.
- The advertizing campaign for attraction of innovation firms is carried on.
- The Regulation on accreditation of small enterprises at Technopark "Novosibirsk" is developed.
- The Board of directors from representatives of innovation firms-clients of ITC is organized.
- The realization of projects is made on areas of ITC, the cooperation of firms-clients of ITC is widely used.
- The advertising campaign on innovative products of firms-clients of ITC is carried on in mass media, permanent exhibition is organized.
- The guarantee fund is formed of deductions of firms-clients, the Regulation guarantee fund is developed, that together with the aforesaid allow advancing a credit recovery.
- The international activity:
- the Agreement on cooperation and partnership (Association INOVA - France);
- the Agreement on cooperation and partnership (China Chamber of International Commerce, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade);
- the Cooperation agreement (Northern Technology Transfer Center, the Peoples Republic of China);
- the Protocol of intentions (Tianjin Science and Technology Committee, the Peoples Republic of China);
- the Protocol on intentions (Administration of a free economic zone of district Fengrun, province Hubei, the Peoples Republic of China)
- The preparation of projects for inclusion in referral information system of the international science and technology center.
- The participation in the International program of Fund "Know-how" (Royal Fund, England).
- The participation in the Õ International Exhibition fair (Tianjin, the Peoples Republic of China).