Forming concept of Technopark "Novosibirsk". General provisions.The government of the Russian Federation as advised by the State committee of the Russian Federation on management of the state property establishes Executive directorate in the form of the state scientific institute, which is a basis for the organization on the basis of the Novosibirsk scientific and educational complex (scientific institutes and the organizations of the Siberian branches of the Russian academies of sciences, the state centres of science, high schools, branch research, engineering and design institutes, project institutes, small forms of the enterprises in scientific and technical sphere) and the developed hi-tech industrial infrastructure of region of the Scientific and Technological Park "Novosibirsk" (Technopark) in the form of economic Association of legal persons with a various organizational legal form of ownership.
The defining condition of the establishment of Technopark is the opportunity of integration of the existent scientific and technological potential, and also of the highly skilled staff and the information resources of institutions of the Novosibirsk scientific and educational complex and of an industrial infrastructure on basis of the definition of priorities and development of perspective, competitive directions.
The Technopark is also intended for realization of the state experiment on creation of a research-and-production cycle in region with an advanced scientific, technological and industrial infrastructure for satisfaction of high technology production requirement of the market. The Technopark will increase its economic independence due to participation in projects on commercialization of its own or transferred developments.
The Executive directorate of Technopark which realize its activity at the expense of the state financial support, forms the favorable terms and creates conditions to the innovative enterprises of various patterns of ownership, including established by Executive directorate of Technopark (business and technological centre, research and information centre, training-centre, etc.). These enterprises are focused on realization of the high technology projects on which the complex of protecting decisions of federal and regional levels is extended directly.
Main purposes and problems of Executive directorate of Technopark
- Integration and activation of intellectual, information, material and technical, and financial resources of subjects of scientific activity of Novosibirsk region for development of scientific and technological potential of the region and the Russian Federation as a whole.
- Working-off of new approaches, arrangements and means on efficient and effective use of the integrated potential of the Novosibirsk scientific and educational complex in the interests of social and economic development of the region territory and the Russian Federation.
- Assistance to development of new high technologies and the organization of small-lot (small-tonnage) manufacture of competitive and import-substituting products in conditions of the market and working-off on this basis in necessary cases of a large-lot manufacture of production with fast achievement of profitability.
- Creation of conditions for retaining, training and retraining of the qualified personnel who complies with requirements of high technologies.
- Forming in the region of the research-and-production infrastructure, the favorable terms and conditions for the turnout of competitive production on the basis of closer communications of developers of innovations and manufacturers with the concerned customers, their participation in development and manufacture of high technology production.
- Carrying out of large-scale experiment on formation and stimulation of demand for high technology production on the basis of high technologies for reduction of national and region economy to the advanced technological basis.
- Increase of competitiveness of applied scientific results, research and design developments for the expansion of the purchase and sale of licenses for patents, "know-how".
- Participation in forming of the market economic mechanism which stimulates the innovative activity by economic methods mainly, and creation of scientific and technical prerequisites for the development of hi-tech manufactures (including at the conversion enterprises) which provide the small-lot (small-tonnage) manufacture.
- Attraction of investment (including foreign) which promote high technologies development and saturation of market by the high technology production.
- Assistance to development of high technology competitive production for import substitution and expansion of the export potential of the region.
- Working-off of the mechanism of target benefits and of the insurance of risk capital of investors, developers and manufacturers of high technology production.
- Forming of conditions for retaining and development of scientific and technical, intellectual and personnel potential and job creation.
Principles and conditions of functioning of Technopark
- Functioning of Technopark is defined by following principles:
- state support of activity of Technopark is carried out only at a level of Executive directorate; other part of the structure of Technopark are the independent legal persons;
- voluntary association of project officers and integration of their resources on a mutually beneficial basis;
- geographically-distributed character of Technopark;
- management by objectives in the organization of Technopark’s activity at competitive selection of projects;
- multichannel financing of projects;
- reduction of scientific idea to commercial success.
- For execution of tasks of Technopark the Executive directorate should possess a necessary set of the services given on favourable terms, including:
- information support;
- consulting;
- marketing;
- assistance to attraction of domestic and foreign investment;
- management in the sphere of development and realizations of high technologies;
- organization of insurance of the risk capital;
- patent and license services, protection of intellectual property;
- drawing up of technical and financial documents;
- organization of leasing of the industrial and experimental equipment;
- logistic support;
- personnel training;
- legal and other consultations;
- 3. Direct and indirect measures of stimulation of the execution of innovative projects (including tax remissions, specific-purpose grants, subsidies and credits on favourable terms), which have been passed competitive selection, are applied to maintenance of effective activity of Technopark by state authorities of the Russian Federation and Novosibirsk region, i.e. the attractive conditions for participation of not public funds in activity of Technopark is created.
Management structure of Technopark
- The coordination of the main activities of Technopark, considering different departmental identity of subjects of scientific activity of Novosibirsk region and the geographically-distributed character of Technopark, is carried out by Interdepartmental coordination board (working pro bono) which is formed of representatives of the State Property Committee of Russia, Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, the State committee of the Russian Federation on support and development of small business, the Russian academies of sciences, Goskomvuz of Russia (under the jurisdiction of which there are scientific and educational establishments); Administration of Novosibirsk region and of Novosibirsk city; subjects of scientific and technological activity (the Siberian branches of the Russian academies of sciences, the state scientific centres, high schools, branch scientific research institutes, the industrial enterprises, small forms of the enterprises in scientific and technical sphere).
The structure of Interdepartmental coordination board is approved by the decision of the State committee of the Russian Federation on management of the state property.
- The Technopark is the Association of equal right managing subjects with a various organizational legal form of ownership. The general management is carried out by Scientific and technical board of the Technopark which is formed of representatives of the subjects of scientific activity, industrial enterprises, structures of small innovation business and Administration of Novosibirsk region, and approved by the decision of the Supervisory council.
- The operative management of Technopark is carried out by the Executive directorate headed by the general director which is appointed by the resolution of the State committee of the Russian Federation on management of the state property.
The entering in new areas of business demands the corresponding adaptation of existent and creation of new organizational structures.
The entering in new areas of business demands the corresponding adaptation of existent and creation of new organizational structures. |